cyto_setup takes care of all the data loading and annotation steps to prepare your cytometry data for downstream analyses. The .fcs files are first read into a cytoset using cyto_load which is then added to a GatingSet.

  path = ".",
  gatingTemplate = NULL,
  restrict = FALSE,
  clean = FALSE,
  markers = TRUE,
  parse_names = FALSE,
  details = TRUE,
  sample = FALSE,



points to the location of the .fcs files to read in (e.g. name of a folder in current working directory).


name of a gatingTemplate csv file to be used for gate saving.


logical indicating whether unassigned channels should be dropped from the returned cytoset, set to FALSE by default. Alternatively, users can supply a vector of channels to remove, see cyto_channels_restrict for details.


logical indicating whether the loaded data should be cleaned using cyto_clean, set to FALSE by default. Alternatively, users can indicate which types of anomalies should be checked as expected by remove_from in flow_auto_qc.


logical indicating whether a call should be made to cyto_markers_edit to update the markers associated with channels in the loaded sampes, set to TRUE by default. The name of the csv to which these details will be supplied can also be passed to this argument.


logical indicating whether the file names should be parsed into experiment details using cyto_names_parse, set to FALSE by default. If you need to parse the names using a different dlimiter, supply the delimiter to this argument instead of TRUE.


logical indicating whether a call should be made to cyto_details_edit to update the experimental details associated with the loaded samples, set to TRUE by default. The name of the csv to which these details will be supplied can also be passed to this argument.


logical indicating whether all samples should be downsampled to the minimum number of events in a sample, set to FALSE by default. Alternatively, users can supply a numeric to indicate the desired number of events to keep in each sample.


additional arguments passed to load_cytoset_from_fcs.


object of class GatingSet.


Calls are then made to cyto_markers_edit and cyto_details_edit to update the GatingSet with the details of the experiment. These details can be modified later with additional calls to cyto_markers_edit and/or cyto_details_edit.

Through the clean argument, the data can then be optionally cleaned using flow_auto_qc to automatically remove anomalies in the recorded data.

Users can optionally provide a name for a gatingTemplate csv file which will be created if necessary and assigned as the active gatingTemplate.

See also


Dillon Hammill,


if (FALSE) { # Load in CytoExploreRData to access data library(CytoExploreRData) # Get path to Activation .fcs files in CytoExploreRData datadir <- system.file("extdata", package = "CytoExploreRData") path <- paste0(datadir, "/Activation") # Load in .fcs files into an annotated GatingSet gs <- cyto_setup(path) # Markers have been assigned cyto_extract(gs, "root")[[1]] # Experiment details have been updated cyto_details(gs) }