gate_boundary_draw constructs an interactive plotting window for user to select the upper bound of a population which is constructed into a rectangleGate object and stored in a filters list. Both 1-D and 2-D boundary gates are supported, for 2-D boundary gates all events below the select x and y coordinates are included in the gate. Multiple boundary gates are not currently supported.

gate_boundary_draw(fr, alias = NULL, channels, plot = TRUE,
  label = TRUE, ...)



a flowFrame object containing the flow cytometry data for plotting and gating.


the name(s) of the populations to be gated. Multiple boundary gates are not currently supported. alias is NULL by default which will halt the gating routine.


vector of channel names to use for plotting, can be of length 1 for 1-D density histogram or length 2 for 2-D scatter plot.


logical indicating whether the data should be plotted. This feature allows for constructing gates of different types over existing plots which may already contain a different gate type.


logical indicating whether to include cyto_plot_label for the gated population(s), TRUE by default.


additional arguments for cyto_plot,flowFrame-method.


afilters list containing the constructed rectangleGate object.

See also


# Copy and paste into console to interactively draw gates


# Load in samples to flowSet
fs <- Activation

# Transform fluorescent channels
fs <- transform(fs, estimateLogicle(fs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)))

# Get 1-D boundary gate using gate_boundary_draw
bg <- gate_boundary_draw(fs[[4]],
  alias = "Cells",
  channels = c("PE-A")

# bg is a filters object - extract rectangleGate using `[[`

#' # Get 2-D boundary gate using gate_boundary_draw
tg <- gate_boundary_draw(fs[[2]],
  alias = "Cells",
  channels = c("PE-A", "Alexa Fluor 700-A")

# bg is a filters object - extract rectangleGate using `[[`
# }