Explore & visualise a flowFrame.

# S4 method for flowFrame
cyto_plot(x, channels, axes_trans = NULL,
  overlay = NULL, gate = NA, limits = "machine", popup = FALSE,
  xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, title, xlab = NA, ylab = NA,
  density_modal = TRUE, density_smooth = 1.5, density_stack = 0,
  density_fill = NA, density_fill_alpha = 1, density_line_type = 1,
  density_line_width = 1, density_line_col = "black",
  point_shape = ".", point_size = 2, point_col = NA,
  point_alpha = 1, contour_lines = 0, contour_line_type = 1,
  contour_line_width = 1, contour_line_col = "black",
  axes_text_font = 1, axes_text_size = 1, axes_text_col = "black",
  axes_label_text_font = 1, axes_label_text_size = 1.1,
  axes_label_text_col = "black", title_text_font = 2,
  title_text_size = 1.1, title_text_col = "black", legend = FALSE,
  legend_text, legend_text_font = 1, legend_text_size = 1,
  legend_text_col = "black", legend_line_col = NA,
  legend_box_fill = NA, legend_point_col = NA, gate_line_type = 1,
  gate_line_width = 2.5, gate_line_col = "red", label = TRUE,
  label_text = NA, label_stat = "percent", label_text_font = 2,
  label_text_size = 1, label_text_col = "black", label_box_x = NA,
  label_box_y = NA, label_box_alpha = 0.6, border_line_type = 1,
  border_line_width = 1, border_line_col = "black", ...)



object of class flowFrame.


name of the channel(s) or marker(s) to be used to construct the plot. The length of channels determines the type of plot to be constructed, either a 1-D density distribution for a single channel or a 2-D scatterplot with blue-red colour scale for two channels.


object of class transformList or transformerList generated by estimateLogicle which was used to transform the fluorescent channels of the supplied flowFrame. This transformation object will be used internally to ensure that the axes labels of the plot are appropriately transformed. The transformation object will NOT be applied to the flowFrame internally and should be applied to the flowFrame prior to plotting.


a flowFrame, flowSet or list of flowFrames to be overlaid onto the plot.


gate object(s) to be added to plot. For cyto_1d_plot only gate objects of class rectangleGate in either 1 or 2 dimensions are supported. Multiple gates can be supplied either as a list or filters object.


indicates whether the axes limits should be based on the "data" or "machine", set to "machine" by default to show complete axes ranges. This argument will only alter the upper axis limits, to modify the lower limits use xlim and ylim.


logical indicating whether the plot should be constructed in a pop-up window, set to FALSE by default. popup will open OS-specific graphic device prior to plotting. Mac users will need to install XQuartz for this functionality.


lower and upper limits of x axis (e.g. c(0,5)).


lower and upper limits of y axis (e.g. c(0,5)).


title to use for the plot, set to the name of the sample by default. Title can be removed by setting this argument to NA.


x axis label.


y axis label.


logical indicating whether density should be normalised to mode and presented as a percentage for 1-D plots. Set to TRUE by default.


smoothing parameter passed to density to adjust kernel density for 1-D plots.


numeric [0,1] indicating the degree of offset for 1-D density distributions with overlay, set to 0.5 by default.


fill colour(s) for 1-D density distributions.


numeric [0,1] used to control 1-D density fill colour transparency, set to 1 by default for solid colours.


line type(s) to use for 1-D density lines, set to 1 by default to use solid lines. See lty for alternatives.


numeric to control line width(s) for 1-D density lines, set to 1 by default.


colour(s) for 1-D density lines, set to "black" by default.


shape(s) to use for points in 2-D scatterplots, set to "." by default to maximise plotting speed. See pch for alternatives.


numeric to control the size of points in 2-D scatter plots set to 2 by default.


colour(s) to use for points in 2-D scatter plots, set to NA by default to use a blue-red density colour scale.


numeric [0,1] to control point colour transparency in 2-D scatter plots, set to 1 by default to use solid colours.


numeric indicating the number of levels to use for contour lines in 2-D scatter plots, set to 0 by default to turn off contour lines.


integer [0,6] to control the line type of contour lines in 2-D scatter plots, set to 1 to draw solid lines by default. See lty for alternatives.


numeric to control line width(s) for contour lines in 2-D scatter plots, set to 2 by default.


colour(s) to use for contour lines in 2-D scatter plots, set to "black" by default.


numeric to control the font of axes text, set to 1 for plain font by default. See font for alternatives.


numeric to control the size of axes text, set to 1 by default.


colour to use for axes text, set to "black" by default.


numeric to control the font axes labels, set to 1 for plain font by default. See font for alternatives.


numeric to control the text size of axes labels, set to 1.1 by default.


colour to use for axes labels text, set to "black" by default.


numeric to control the font of title text, set to 2 for bold font by default. See font for alternatives.


numeric to control the text size of the plot title, set to 1.1 by default.


colour to use for plot title text, set to "black" by default.


can be either "line" or "fill" to indicate whether a legend should be constructed based on the density "line" or "fill", set to FALSE by default to remove the legend.


vector of labels to use in the legend.


numeric to control the font of legend text, set to 1 for plain font by default. See font for alternatives.


numeric to control the size of text in the legend, set to 1 by default.


colour(s) to use for text in legend, set to "black" by default.


colour(s) to use for the lines in 1-D plot legends when legend is set to "line".


fill colour(s) to use for the boxes in 1-D plot legends when legend is set to "fill".


colour(s) to use for points in 2-D scatter plot legend.


integer [0,6] to control the line type of gates, set to 1 to draw solid lines by default. See lty for alternatives.


numeric to control the line width(s) of gates, set to 2.5 by default.


colour(s) to use for gates, set to "red" by default.


logical indicating whether gated populations should be labelled. To include the names of the populations in these labels, supply the population names to the label_text argument. The default statistic is "percent" for gated data and "count" for un-gated data.


vector of population names to use in the labels. Set to NA by default to exclude population names.


indicates the type of statistic to include in the plot labels, can be "percent", "count", "mean", "median", "mode" or "geo mean", set to "percent" for gated data or NA to exclude statistics for un-gated data. Currently, only "percent" and "count" are supported for 2-D scatter plots.


numeric to control the font of text in plot labels, set to 2 for bold font by default. See font for alternatives.


numeric to control the size of text in the plot labels, set to 1 by default.


colour(s) to use for text in plot labels, set to "black" by default.


vector of x co-ordinate(s) to manually adjust the position plot label(s) on the plot.


vector of y co-ordinate(s) to manually adjust the position plot label(s) on the plot.


numeric to control background fill transparency of label boxes, set to 0.6 by default to introduce some transparency.


integer [0,6] to control the line type of plot border, set to 1 by default for a solid border. See lty for alternatives.


numeric to control line width for the plot border, set to 1 by default.


colour to use for the plot border, set to "black" by default.


additional arguments passed to plot.

See also


library(CytoRSuiteData) # Load in samples fs <- Activation # Apply compensation fs <- compensate(fs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(fs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)) fs <- transform(fs, trans) # 1-D Density Distribution cyto_plot(fs[[1]], channels = "PE-A", axes_trans = trans, overlay = fs[2:4], density_stack = 0.5 )
# 2-D Scatter Plot cyto_plot(fs[[4]], channels = c("FSC-A", "PE-A"), axes_trans = trans, overlay = fs[[1]] )