CytoRSuite 0.9.9

  • cyto_plot_label now accepts stat freq instead of percent for consistency with cyto_stats_compute.
  • density_layers argument for cyto_plot is now operational. This argument designates the number of layers to include per plot for stacked density distributions.
  • cyto_markers has been updated to allow editing of channel names as well.
  • cyto_stats_compute now calculates the robust CV for stat = “CV”.
  • New function gatingTemplate_edit to facilitate interactive editing of the gatingTemplate. The feature is designed for adding boolean, reference or automated gates to existing gatingTemplates.
  • Improved support for editing gates constructed with multiple grouping variables using gate_edit.
  • cyto_annotate to save pData information to a csv file (“Experiment-Details.csv”) for future use.
  • cyto_annotate can now accept a csv file containing experiment details instead of manually re-entering this information.
  • cyto_markers updated to save markers to csv file (“Experiment-Markers.csv”) for future use.
  • Added Contributors Code of Conduct.
  • New ‘Manual & Automated Gating’ vignette.

CytoRSuite 0.9.8

  • Completely updated CytoRSuite to comply with rOpenSci naming requirements.
  • Users can now draw gates per sample or group using group_by in gate_draw. To facilitate this change major changes were made to the way the gatingTemplate is handled and manipulated in the package. Users of 0.9.5 should use gatingTemplate_convert to convert their old gatingTemplates to this new format.
  • Full support for back-gating is now supported in cyto_plot and cyto_plot_gating_scheme through overlay and back_gate arguments.
  • New gate tracking feature added to cyto_plot_gating_scheme to colour gates and plot borders based on population.
  • spillover_edit has been updated to include density histograms with statistics for unstained and stained controls. Statistics automatically update as spillover matrix is edited.
  • cyto_plot_compensation is now incorporated directly into spillover_edit in the plots tab.
  • cyto_markers provides an interactive editable table to assign marker names to channels.
  • cyto_annotate provides an interactive editable table to annotate samples with experimental details.
  • New cyto_plot functions have been added to layer overlays (cyto_plot_overlay), gates (cyto_plot_gate), labels (cyto_plot_label) or contour lines (cyto_plot_contour) onto existing plots.
  • Many more changes to improve the stability of the package. Refer to the documentation for additional changes.

CytoRSuite 0.9.5

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.