takes on a flowFrame
object, population name
, channels
and a gate object to construct a text label for
the plot with the population name and frequency.
# S4 method for flowFrame,rectangleGate cyto_plot_label(x, gates = NULL, trans = NULL, channels, text = NA, stat = NA, text_x = NA, text_y = NA, text_font = 2, text_size = 0.8, text_col = "black", box_alpha = 0.6, density_smooth = 1.5)
x | a |
gates | an object of class
trans | object of class
channels | a vector indicating the fluorescent channel(s) to be used for gating. |
text | character string to include in the label above the statistic (e.g. population name(s)). |
stat | indicates the type of statistic to include in the label, can be
either |
text_x | vector containing the x co-ordinates for the plot labels. Set
to |
text_y | vector containing the x co-ordinates for the plot labels. Set
to |
text_font | integer [1,2,3,4] passed to |
text_size | numeric character expansion used to control the size of the
text in the labels, set to |
text_col | specify text colour in label for each gate, defaults to
box_alpha | numeric [0,1] controls the transparency of the background,
set to |
density_smooth | smoothing parameter passed to
add a boxed text label to cyto_plot.
#>#>#>#>#># Apply compensation gs <- compensate(gs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(gs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)) gs <- transform(gs, trans) # Gate using gate_draw gating(Activation_gatingTemplate, gs)#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#># CD69+ CD4 T Cells gate gt <- getGate(gs, "CD69+ CD4 T Cells")[[1]] cyto_plot_gate(gt, channels = "7-AAD-A" )# Labels cyto_plot_label(getData(gs, "CD4 T Cells")[[4]], gates = gt, trans = trans, channels = "7-AAD-A", text = c("CD69+"), stat = "freq", text_col = "blue" )