Interactively label existing plots with boxed labels containing text and statistics. cyto_plot_label can only label the last plot and can only add labels on a per sample basis (i.e. single layer only). Locations for each label must be manually selected. More complex labelling can be acheived directly through cyto_plot.

# S3 method for GatingHierarchy
  alias = NA,
  channels = NULL,
  display = 1,
  gate = NA,
  negate = NA,
  label_text_x = NA,
  label_text_y = NA,
  label_text_font = 2,
  label_text_size = 0.8,
  label_text_col = "black",
  label_fill = "white",
  label_fill_alpha = 0.6,
  density_smooth = 0.6,

# S3 method for flowFrame
  channels = NULL,
  trans = NA,
  display = 1,
  gate = NA,
  negate = FALSE,
  label_text = NA,
  label_stat = NA,
  label_text_x = NA,
  label_text_y = NA,
  label_text_font = 2,
  label_text_size = 0.8,
  label_text_col = "black",
  label_fill = "white",
  label_fill_alpha = 0.6,
  density_smooth = 0.6,



object of class flowFrame.


name of the parent population to extract when a GatingHierarchy object is supplied.


name of teh gated populations to label when a GatingHierarchy object is supplied. This is equivalent to the gate argument for flowFrame objects.


a vector indicating the fluorescent channel(s) to be used for gating.


numeric [0,1] to control the percentage of events to be plotted. Specifying a value for display can substantial improve plotting speed for less powerful machines.


object of class rectangleGate, polygonGate, ellipsoidGate, quadGate, "list" or filters.


logical indicating whether a label should be included for the neagted population (i.e. events outside the gate). Set to FALSE by default to only calculate statistics for events within the gate.


character string to include in the label above the statistic (e.g. population name(s)).


indicates the type of statistic to include in the label, can be either code"count", "median", "mean", "mode", "geo mean" or "CV". Only count and percent statistics are supported for 2D plots.


vector containing the x co-ordinates for the plot labels. Label positions can be interactively selected if no co-ordinates are manually supplied.


vector containing the x co-ordinates for the plot labels. Label positions can be interactively selected if no co-ordinates are manually supplied.


integer [1,2,3,4] passed to text to alter the font, set to 2 by default for a bold font.


numeric character expansion used to control the size of the text in the labels, set to 0.8 by default. See ?text for details.


specify text colour in label for each gate, defaults to "black" for all gates.


fill colour to use for labels, set to "white" by default.


numeric [0,1] controls the transparency of the fill colour, set to 0.6 by default.


smoothing parameter passed to density to adjust kernel density for mode calculation.


not in use.


object of class transformerList which was used to transform the fluorescent channels of the supplied flowFrame.


add a boxed text label to an existing cyto_plot.


Dillon Hammill (


library(CytoExploreRData) # Load in samples fs <- Activation gs <- GatingSet(fs) # Apply compensation gs <- compensate(gs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(gs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)) gs <- transform(gs, trans) # Gate using gate_draw gt_gating(Activation_gatingTemplate, gs)
#> Preprocessing for 'Cells'
#> Gating for 'Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'Single Cells'
#> Gating for 'Single Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'Dead Cells'
#> Gating for 'Dead Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Live Cells gating...
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'T Cells'
#> Gating for 'T Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'CD8 T Cells'
#> Gating for 'CD8 T Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'CD69+ CD8 T Cells'
#> Gating for 'CD69+ CD8 T Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'CD4 T Cells'
#> Gating for 'CD4 T Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'CD69+ CD4 T Cells'
#> Gating for 'CD69+ CD4 T Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'Dendritic Cells'
#> Gating for 'Dendritic Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> finished.
# Plot cyto_plot(gs[[32]], parent = "CD4 T Cells", channels = c("CD69") )
# Label - median fluorescent intensity cyto_plot_label(cyto_extract(gs, "CD4 T Cells")[[32]], channels = "CD69", label_stat = "median", label_text = "MedFI", trans = trans, label_text_x = 3, label_text_y = 50 )