Signal to cyto_plot that a custom plot is being created to ensure that plots are appropraitely saved with cyto_plot_save. cyto_plot_custom calls must be made before cyto_plo_save calls and cyto_plot calls should be followed by a call to cyto_plot_complete to indicate when the plot is complete and should be saved.

cyto_plot_custom(layout = NULL)



either a vector of the form c(nrow, ncol) defining the dimensions of the plot or a matrix defining a more sophisticated layout (see layout). Vectors can optionally contain a third element to indicate whether plots should be placed in row (1) or column (2) order, set to row order by default.


Dillon Hammill (


if (FALSE) { library(CytoExploreRData) # Activation flowSet fs <- Activation # Save plot cyto_plot_save("Test.png", height = 7, width = 14) # Create custom plot - 1D & 2D plot panels cyto_plot_custom(layout = c(1,2)) cyto_plot(fs[[32]], channels = "FSC-A") cyto_plot(fs[[32]], channels = c("FSC-A","SSC-A")) # Signal plot is complete and save cyto_plot_complete() }