A convenient wrapper for gatingTemplate and gt_gating to apply a gatingTemplate csv file to a GatingSet.

cyto_gatingTemplate_apply(x, gatingTemplate = NULL, ...)



object of class GatingHierarchy or GatingSet.


name of the gatingTemplate csv file which contains the gates to be applied to x. This can alos be an object of class gatingTemplate if a GatingSet object is supplied.


additional arguments passed to gating.


NULL and update the GatingHierarchy/ GatingSet in the global environment with the gates in the gatingTemplate.


if (FALSE) { library(CytoExploreRData) # Load in samples fs <- Activation gs <- GatingSet(fs) # Apply compensation gs <- compensate(gs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(gs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)) gs <- transform(gs, trans) # Apply gatingTemplate in working directory to GatingSet cyto_gatingTemplate_apply(gs, "gatingTemplate.csv") }