
HeatmapR is a lightweight R package that uses base graphics to facilitate the creation of high quality complex heatmaps that can be easily arranged with other plots. In this vignette, we will explore the key features of HeatmapR and describe the usage of each of the key functions in HeatmapR as summarised below:

1. Construct a Basic Heatmap

Constructing a heatmap is as simple loading the HeatmapR package and supplying your dataset to the heat_map() function. The constructed heatmap will be in the same orientation as the input data and each numeric cell in the heatmap will be coloured using the colour scale supplied to cell_col_scale. By default, heat_map() uses a hybrid colour blind friendly viridis palette to offer high visual contrast.

2. Cell Properties

heat_map() contains a family of cell_ arguments which allow for the customisation of the shape, size, colour, borders and text of cells within a heatmap. In the examples below, we will apply the same properties to every cell within the heatmap, but it is also possible to modify these properties per cell by supplying a matrix matching the dimensionality and orientation of the input matrix.

2.1 Cell Shape

heat_map() supports different cell shapes through the cell_shape argument which can be set to either "rect" (default), "circle" or "diamond".

  cell_shape = "circle"

  cell_shape = "diamond"

2.2 Cell Size

The size of each cell is controlled through the cell_size argument. Setting cell_size = TRUE will scale the size of each cell based on its value in the input matrix. Alternatively, users can supply a separate matrix of the same dimensionality and orientation as the input matrix to control the size of the cells independently of their colour.

  cell_shape = "circle",
  cell_size = TRUE

2.3 Cell Colours

The colour of each cell in the heatmap is dependent on the type of data in that cell. Cells containing numeric values will be assigned colours based on the continuous colour scale supplied to cell_col_scale, whilst cells containing non-numeric values will be assigned colours from the discrete colour palette supplied to cell_col_palette. Missing values of the form NA are also supported and the colour of cells containing missing values can be controlled through the cell_col_empty argument. The cell_col_alpha argument accepts values ranging from zero (transparent) to one (solid) to for fine control over the transparency of the colour in each cell of the heatmap. In the example below, we will demonstrate the handling of different data types within heat_map() using a modified subset of the iris dataset where additional missing values have been introduced:

# Modified subset of iris dataset with missing values
iris_sub <- iris[sample(1:nrow(iris), 25), ]
iris_sub[c(2, 19, 14, 7), 2] <- NA
iris_sub[c(4, 9, 17, 25), 3] <- NA

# Build heatmap
  cell_text = TRUE,
  cell_col_empty = "grey40",
  cell_col_scale = c(
  cell_col_palette = c(
  cell_col_alpha = 1

2.4 Cell Borders

The borders of every cell within the constructed heatmap can also be customised using the cell_border_line_type, cell_border_line_width, cell_border_line_col and cell_border_line_col_alpha arguments.

  cell_border_line_type = 3,
  cell_border_line_width = 2,
  cell_border_line_col = "red",
  cell_border_line_col_alpha = 1

2.5 Cell Text

The values of every cells within the constructed heatmap can be displayed by setting cell_text = TRUE. By default, numeric values are rounded to two decimal places but this can be changed through the round argument. The text displayed in each cell can easily be customised using the cell_text_size, cell_text_font, cell_text_col and cell_text_col_alpha arguments.

  cell_text = TRUE,
  cell_text_size = 1,
  cell_text_font = 2,
  cell_text_col = "black",
  cell_text_col_alpha = 1,
  title = "mtcars"

3. Data Scaling

In the above heatmap, it is very clear that each of the columns of the input matrix are on completely different scales, making it difficult to visualise differences in columns with very small values. In order to represent each column on the same scale, we can apply a form of data scaling through the scale_method argument either to each row or column as specified by the scale argument. Currently, heat_map() has internal support for "mean", "range" and "z-score" scaling methods that can be applied to either the rows or columns of the input matrix.

3.1 Scaling Columns

To scale the values in every column, simply set scale = "column and specify the scaling method through the scale_method argument. For example, to apply range scaling to every column in the mtcars dataset:

  scale = "column",
  scale_method = "range",
  title = "mtcars scaled columns"

3.2 Scaling Rows

Similarly, in instances where it is more appropriate to scale the values in each row, we can set scale = "row" and pass the required scaling method to scale_method. For example, to apply z-score scaling to every row in the mtcars dataset:

  scale = "row",
  scale_method = "zscore",
  title = "mtcars scaled rows"

4. Bar Plots

In addition to the cells of the heatmap, heat_map() supports the display of additional values in bar plots on either axis of the heatmap. To add bar plots to the heatmap, users should supply the (named) values to bar_values_x and/or bar_values_y in the same order as the original input matrix. The bar plots will be displayed on the opposite side to the axis text and size of the bar plot (i.e. height or width) can be controlled through the bar_size_x and bar_size_y arguments. The colours of the bars and borders can be customised using the bar_fill_ and bar_line_ family of arguments. In the example below, we demonstrate the addition of bar plots to the x and y axes of a heatmap constructed using the mtcars dataset:

  bar_values_x = 1:ncol(mtcars),
  bar_size_x = 0.5,
  bar_fill_x = rainbow(ncol(mtcars)),
  bar_line_col_x = "black",
  bar_values_y = 1:nrow(mtcars),
  bar_size_y = 0.8,
  bar_fill_y = rainbow(ncol(mtcars)),
  bar_line_col_y = "black",
  title = "heatmap with bar plots"

5. Hierarchical Clustering

heat_map() also supports hierarchical clustering using the conventional stats::hclust() to construct dendrograms and stats::cutree() to partition the dendrograms into distinct clusters. The dist_method and clust_method arguments allow for control over the distance metric to use for hierarchical clustering (any method supported by stats::dist()) and the agglomeration method to use (any method supported by stats::hclust()).

5.1 Dendrograms

Dendrograms can be added to the x and/or y axis using the tree, tree_x or tree_y arguments. The tree argument indicates whether dendrograms should be drawn for the "x", "y" or "both" axes. Alternatively, the tree_x or tree_y arguments can be set to TRUE to include dendrograms on the x or y axes respectively. The tree_x and tree_y arguments also accept objects of class dist or hclust to allow for custom dendrograms using unsupported distance metrics or agglomeration methods. The tree_size_x and tree_size_y arguments are scalars to control the height or width of the dendrograms on the x and y axes respectively. The tree_scale_x and tree_scale_y arguments can be used to scale the branch heights of the dendrogram to be the same height at each level allowing for better visualisation of relationships in large heatmaps.

  scale = "column",
  dist_method = "euclidean",
  clust_method = "complete",
  tree_x = TRUE,
  tree_size_x = 0.4,
  tree_y = TRUE,
  tree_size_y = 0.8,
  title = "Dendrograms"

5.2 Clustering

The dendrograms on either axis can be optionally cut to reveal clusters in the data. Dendrogram cutting is performed via the tree_cut_x and tree_cut_y arguments which accept either a fixed number of clusters or a proportion of the total dendrogram height where the cut should be made. The clusters can be spatially separated by introducing splits in the heatmap using the tree_split_x and tree_split_y arguments which are scalars that control the height or width of the splits.

  scale = "column",
  dist_method = "euclidean",
  clust_method = "complete",
  tree_x = TRUE,
  tree_size_x = 0.4,
  tree_cut_x = 4,
  tree_split_x = 1,
  tree_y = TRUE,
  tree_size_y = 0.8,
  tree_cut_y = 5,
  tree_split_y = 1,
  title = "Hierarchical Clustering"

In addition to heatmap splitting, heat_map() also supports the labelling of clusters through the tree_label_x, tree_label_text_x, tree_label_y and tree_label_text_y arguments.

  scale = "column",
  tree_size_x = 0.4,
  tree_cut_x = 4,
  tree_split_x = 1,
  tree_label_x = TRUE,
  tree_label_size_x = 1.4,
  tree_label_text_x = c(1:4),
  tree_label_col_x = c(
  tree_y = TRUE,
  tree_size_y = 0.8,
  tree_cut_y = 5,
  tree_split_y = 1,
  tree_label_y = TRUE,
  tree_label_size_y = 1,
  tree_label_text_y = c(1:5),
  tree_label_col_y = c(
  title = "Cluster Labels"

6. Legends

heat_map() will automatically add legends for the colour scale and size of the cells in the heatmap. The legend argument controls the type(s) of legends to display including the "colour", "shape" or "both". The space available to the legend can be tweaked using the legend_size argument, and the size of the colour scale legend can be controlled through the legend_col_scale_size argument. The titles and text displayed in the legend(s) are also fully customisable using the the legend_title_ and legend_text_ family of arguments.

  scale = TRUE,
  tree_x = TRUE,
  tree_y = TRUE,
  cell_shape = "circle",
  cell_size = TRUE,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend_size = 1.5,
  legend_col_scale_size = 1.2,
  legend_title = c("colour", "size"),
  title = "Legends"

7. Complex Layouts

HeatmapR supports the arrangement of multiple heatmaps in complex layouts using heat_map_custom(). heat_map_custom() is called prior to plotting to open the appropriate graphics device and set the desired layout before adding the heatmaps. Once the layout is complete, a call is made to heat_map_complete() to reset all heat_map() associated settings. The layout argument can be either a vector indicating the desired number of rows and columns or a mtrix defining a more complex layout. For example, if we want to split different car brands into separate heatmaps and arrange them:

  popup = TRUE,
  popup_size = c(10, 15),
  layout = matrix(
    ncol = 4,
    nrow = 2,
    byrow = TRUE
  mtcars[grepl("Merc", rownames(mtcars)),],
  title = "Mercedes"
  mtcars[grepl("Mazda|Toyota", rownames(mtcars)),],
  title = "Mazda | Toyota"
  mtcars[grepl("Hornet|Datsun|Volvo", rownames(mtcars)),],
  title = "Hornet | Datsun | Volvo"

HeatmapR also supports layouts with other plots generated using base graphics. For example, we could arrange a heatmap with a scatterplot and a boxplot.

  popup = TRUE,
  popup_size = c(10, 15),
  layout = matrix(
    ncol = 4,
    nrow = 2,
    byrow = TRUE
  title = "mtcars"
  mtcars[, c("disp", "hp")],
  xlab = "Displacement",
  ylab = "Horsepower",
  main = "mtcars: Displacement vs Horsepower",
  pch = 16,
  col = "black"
  mtcars[, "disp"],
  main = "Displacement",
  xlab = "Displacement (cu.in.)",
  horizontal = TRUE

8. Export

HeatmapR supports the export of high resolution images using heat_map_save() which allows control over the dimensions and resolution of the exported image.

  height = 9.5,
  width = 5.7,
  res = 500
  scale = "column",
  scale_method = "range",
  tree_x = TRUE,
  tree_y = TRUE,
  tree_cut_x = 4,
  tree_cut_y = 12,
  cell_size = TRUE,
  cell_shape = "circle",
  title = "mtcars"

10. Summary

HeatmapR is a lightweight R package built on base graphics that allows for the creation of high resolution complex heatmaps that can be arranged in sophisticated layouts with other plot objects.