Plot rectangleGate Objects onto an Existing plot
# S4 method for rectangleGate cyto_plot_gate(x, channels, gate_line_type = 1, gate_line_width = 2.5, gate_line_col = "red", gate_point = FALSE, gate_point_shape = 16, gate_point_size = 1)
x | an object of class
channels | fluorescent channels to used to construct the plot. |
gate_line_type | integer [0,6] which controls the line type, set to
gate_line_width | numeric to adjust line thickness of gates, set to
gate_line_col | indicates the colour of the gate to be constructed, set
to |
gate_point | logical indicating whether points should be included when
plotting the gates, set to |
gate_point_shape | integer [0,25] passed to pch to control the shape of
the points, set to |
gate_point_size | numeric character expansion to control the size of the
points in the drawn gate, set to |
gate object with modified co-ordinates for plotting.
#>#>#>#>#># Apply compensation gs <- compensate(gs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(gs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(gs)) gs <- transform(gs, trans) # Gate using gate_draw gating(Activation_gatingTemplate, gs)#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#>#># Plot cyto_plot(gs[[4]], parent = "T Cells", channels = c("Alexa Fluor 488-A", "Alexa Fluor 700-A"), axes_trans = trans )# CD4 T Cells gate cyto_plot_gate(getGate(gs, "CD4 T Cells")[[1]], channels = c("Alexa Fluor 488-A", "Alexa Fluor 700-A"), gate_line_col = "purple" )