cyto_plot_compensation plots each compensation control in all fluorescent channels to make it easy to identify any potential compensation issues. The unstained control is automatically overlaid onto the plot as a refernce if supplied.

# S3 method for GatingSet
  parent = NULL,
  channel_match = NULL,
  compensate = FALSE,
  spillover = NULL,
  axes_trans = NA,
  axes_limits = "machine",
  overlay = TRUE,
  layout = NULL,
  popup = FALSE,
  title = NA,
  header = NULL,
  header_text_font = 2,
  header_text_size = 1,
  header_text_col = "black",
  density_stack = 0,
  density_fill = c("grey", "blue"),
  density_fill_alpha = 0.5,

# S3 method for GatingHierarchy
  parent = NULL,
  channel_match = NULL,
  compensate = FALSE,
  spillover = NULL,
  axes_trans = NA,
  axes_limits = "machine",
  layout = NULL,
  popup = FALSE,
  title = NA,
  header_text_font = 2,
  header_text_size = 1,
  header_text_col = "black",
  density_stack = 0,
  density_fill = c("grey", "blue"),
  density_fill_alpha = 0.5,

# S3 method for flowSet
  channel_match = NULL,
  compensate = FALSE,
  spillover = NULL,
  axes_trans = NA,
  axes_limits = "machine",
  overlay = TRUE,
  layout = NULL,
  popup = FALSE,
  title = NA,
  header = NULL,
  header_text_font = 2,
  header_text_size = 1,
  header_text_col = "black",
  density_stack = 0,
  density_fill = c("grey", "blue"),
  density_fill_alpha = 0.5,

# S3 method for flowFrame
  channel_match = NULL,
  compensate = FALSE,
  spillover = NULL,
  axes_trans = NA,
  axes_limits = "machine",
  layout = NULL,
  popup = FALSE,
  title = NA,
  header = NULL,
  header_text_font = 2,
  header_text_size = 1,
  header_text_col = "black",
  density_stack = 0,
  density_fill = c("grey", "blue"),
  density_fill_alpha = 0.5,



object of class flowFrame or flowSet, GatingHierarchy or GatingSet containing gated compensation controls.


indicates the name of the parent population to extract fro plotting to plot for GatingSet objects. Users can specify a parent for each compensation control either as a vector or by adding a parent column to cyto_details(x).


name of the fluorescent channel associated with the flowFrame. A channel_match csv file may also be supplied. If not supplied users will need to select the channel from a dropdown menu.


logical indicating whether the samples should be compensated prior to plotting, set to FALSE by default. If no spillover matrix is supplied to the spillover argument the spillover matrix will extracted from the samples.


name of spillover matrix csv file including .csv file extension to apply to sample when compensate is TRUE. If no spillover is supplied the spillover matrix will be extracted directly from the data and applied to the sample when compensate is TRUE.


object of class transformerList generated by a cyto_transform which contains the transformer definitions that were used to transform the channels of the supplied flowFrame, flowSet, GatingHierarchy or GatingSet.


options include "auto", "data" or "machine" to use optimised, data or machine limits respectively. Set to "machine" by default to use entire axes ranges.


logical indicating whether the unstained control should be overlaid onto the plot if supplied in the flowSet or GatingSet, set to TRUE by default.


vector of grid dimensions c(#rows,#columns) for each plot.


logical indicating whether plots should be constructed in a pop-up window.


text to include above each plot, set to NA by default to remove titles.


title to use for the plots, set to the name of the sample by default. Turn off the header by setting this argument to NA.


font to use for header text, set to 2 by default.


text size for header, set to 1 by default.


colour for header text, set to "black" by default.


numeric passsed to cyto_plot to control the degree of stacking for density distributions, set to 0 by default.


vector of colours passed to cyto_plot to control the fill colours of density distributions, set to c("grey","blue") by default.


numeric passed to cyto_plot to control the fill transparency of density distributions, set to 0.5 by default.


additional arguments passed to cyto_plot.

See also


Dillon Hammill (


library(CytoExploreRData) # Bypass directory check for external files options("CytoExploreR_wd_check" = FALSE) # Load in compensation controls gs <- GatingSet(Compensation) # Gate single cells using cyto_gate_draw gt <- Compensation_gatingTemplate gt_gating(gt, gs)
#> Preprocessing for 'Cells'
#> Gating for 'Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> Preprocessing for 'Single Cells'
#> Gating for 'Single Cells'
#> done!
#> done.
#> finished.
# Extract flowSet for plotting fs <- cyto_extract(gs, "Single Cells") # Channel match file cmfile <- system.file("extdata", "Compensation-Channels.csv", package = "CytoExploreRData" ) # Compensation plots - flowFrame cyto_plot_compensation(fs[[1]], channel_match = cmfile, display = 1000 )
# Compensation plots - flowSet cyto_plot_compensation(fs, channel_match = cmfile, compensate = TRUE, display = 1000 )
# Compensation plots - GatingHierarchy cyto_plot_compensation(gs[[1]], parent = "Single Cells", channel_match = cmfile, display = 1000, contour_lines = 10 )
# Compensation plots - GatingSet cyto_plot_compensation(gs, parent = "Single Cells", channel_match = cmfile, display = 1000 )
# Return "CytoExploreR_wd_check" to default options("CytoExploreR_wd_check" = TRUE)