Calculate and export flow cytometry statistics for a flowFrame.

# S4 method for flowFrame
cyto_stats_compute(x, channels = NULL,
  trans = NULL, stat = "median", density_smooth = 1.5)



object of class flowFrame.


names of of channels for which statistic should be calculated, set to all channels by default.


object of class transformList or transformerList generated by estimateLogicle used to transform the fluorescent channels of x. The transformation list is required to apply the inverse transformation such that the required statistics are returned on the original linear scale.


name of the statistic to calculate, options include "count", "freq", "median", "mode", "mean", "geo mean" or "CV".


smoothing parameter passed to density when calculating mode, set to 1.5 by default.

See also


library(CytoRSuiteData) # Load in samples fs <- Activation # Apply compensation fs <- compensate(fs, fs[[1]]@description$SPILL) # Transform fluorescent channels trans <- estimateLogicle(fs[[4]], cyto_fluor_channels(fs)) fs <- transform(fs, trans) # Compute statistics cyto_stats_compute(fs[[4]], channels = c("Alexa Fluor 647-A", "7-AAD-A"), trans = trans, stat = "median" )
#> Alexa Fluor 647-A 7-AAD-A #> Activation4.fcs 1635.418 405.3736
cyto_stats_compute(fs[[1]], stat = "count")
#> count #> Activation1.fcs 50000